The Delachaise Neighborhood Association is an active neighborhood association within the boundaries of St. Charles Ave. and S. Saratoga, Louisiana Ave. and Marengo St. The neighborhood is a residential mixture of large and small circa 1900s Victorian, Arts and Crafts, and Bungalow style houses, both singles and doubles. The neighborhood has a small business corridor in the 3800 - 4000 blocks of Baronne St. and 1800 block of Dryades St. as well as a few bed and breakfast establishments, historic bars, a few restaurants and a tennis center. Our goal as a neighborhood association is to improve the quality of life for our residents and to maintain a healthy small business corridor. The DNA meets on a regular basis at least 4 times a year as well as participating in several social functions throughout the year. Safety is a priority in the neighborhood. The DNA has its own part-time private off-duty NOPD patrol that is financially supported on a volunteer basis by our members and residents.